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Metallography, cross-sectioning, and TEM preparation

  • Fischion dimple grinder
  • South Bay Technology diamond wheel saw
  • South Bay Technology Rotary Die Cutter
  • South Bay Technology Disc Punch
  • South Bay Technology Plasma Cleaner – Model PC2000
  • Leica EM RES102
  • VibroMet 2 Vibratory Polisher
  • Struers LaboPress-1
  • Struers TegraPol-11
  • Struers Minitom
  • Reichert-Jung Ultracut E ultramicrotome (2)

Coating and Drying
  • EMS 150 ES High Resolution Sputter Coater and high vacuum carbon evaporator
  • Tousimis Autosamdri-931 Multi-Application Critical Point Dryer