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Rheometer ARES-G2

Rheology is the study of flow and deformation of materials that are under the influence of an external stress or force. Rheology measurements are used to ensure successful material processing, optimize produce performance, develop novel materials, and obtain insight into complex microstructures. Rheometers measure flow and deformation, including viscosity and modulus, and extend beyond traditional viscometers to capture complex fluid behaviors like shear thinning and thixotropy.

The ARES-G2 rheometer uses separate motor and transducer technology to provide high accuracy across various testing conditions, improving material processability and end-use performance. It also includes advanced techniques such as Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (LAOS) and Fourier Transform Rheology, making it a versatile tool for research in both fundamental and applied sciences.

Force/Torque Rebalance Transducer (Sample Stress)
Transducer Type Force/Torque Rebalance
Transducer Torque Motor Brushless DC
Transducer Normal/Axial Motor Brushless DC
Minimum Transducer Torque in Oscillation 0.05 µN.m
Minimum Transducer Torque in Steady Shear 0.1 µN.m
Maximum Transducer Torque 200 mN.m
Transducer Torque Resolution 1 nN.m
Transducer Normal/Axial Force Range 0.001 to 20 N
Transducer Bearing Groove Compensated Air

Drive Motor (Sample Deformation)
Maximum Motor Torque 800 mN.m
Motor Design Brushless DC
Motor Bearing Jeweled Air, Sapphire
Displacement Control/Sensing Optical Encoder
Strain Resolution 0.04 µrad
Min. Angular Displacement Oscillation 1 µrad
Max. Angular Displacement in Steady Shear Unlimited
Angular Velocity Range 1 x 10-6 rad/s to 300 rad/s
Angular Frequency Range 1 x 10-7 rad/s to 628 rad/s
Step Change in Velocity 5 ms
Step Change in Strain 10 ms

Orthogonal Superposition and DMA modes
Minimum Transducer Force in Oscillation 0.001 N
Maximum Transducer Force 20 N
Minimum Displacement in Oscillation 0.5 µm
Maximum Displacement in Oscillation 50 µm
Displacement Resolution 10 nm

Sleep Motor
Movement/Positioning Micro-stepping Motor/Precision Lead Screw
Position Measurement Linear Optical Encoder
Positioning Accuracy 0.1 micron

Temperature Systems
Smart Swap Standard
Forced Convection Oven, FCO -150 °C to 600 °C
FCO Camera Viewer Optional
Advanced Peltier System, APS -10 °C to 150 °C
Peltier Plate -40 °C to 180 °C
Sealed Bath -10 °C to 150 °C