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SEM is an advanced imaging instrument that employs electron beams to visualize the surface morphology of specimens with high resolution. By scanning the specimen, SEM generates detailed images, revealing micro- and nano-scale structural features crucial for scientific analysis in fields such as materials science and biology. SEM can be high-resolution imaging, elemental composition, surface analysis, material characterization, and 3D Imaging.

JEOL 6500 Field Emission SEM

Resolution on Secondary Electron Image - 1.5 nm (at accelerating voltage 15kV)
- 5.0 nm (at accelerating voltage 1kV)
Accelerating Voltage 0.5 to 30 kV
Magnification Range 10X to 500,000X
Attachments X-EDS spectrometer and Oxford Instruments INCAEnergy+ software
  • - for electron beam-induced X-ray elemental analysis
Electron Backscatter Detector

Zeiss SUPRA 40

Nominal Resolution 1.5 nm (at accelerating voltage 10kV)
Accelerating Voltage Max. 30kV
Magnification Range 10X to 500,000X
Attachments EDAX EBSD with OIM software

Hitachi TM-1000 Table Top SEM

Depth of Focus 0.5mm
Resolution 30nm
Magnification Range 20-10,000X
Sample Size Up to 70mm